Moscow and Beijing cease investments in US

Russia has reduced investments in securities of the US government by 7.4bln dollars in October this year against the same period last year, that is from 82bln dollars to 74.6. Last year Russia was in the 16th place on investments, now it moved down to the 18th. While China ceded its leadership to Japan: in October Beijing's investments made up 1.115 trillion dollars, and that of Tokyo 1.131 trillion dollars. Oversea countries possessed the US government securities worth 6.038 trillion dollars in October 2016, according to the US Treasury Department.
Meanwhile, experts believe that in 5 or 7 years Russia, China and India will completely reject dollars and euros in international payments. The Turkish president has also called to reject dollars, buying gold and lira. Beside that, as early as in the beginning of 2016, the Bank of Russia has become world leader in purchase of gold among all the Central Banks of the planet.
