French presidential candidate: Russia is our ally and we push it to Asia

Former head of the French government Francois Fillon has confirmed his intention to restore 'partnership and sincere relations' with Russia despite criticism. Speaking to residents of Lyon, who gave a round of applause, Fillon noted: 'The Islamic Totalitarianism which can be equaled to Nazism, provoked world war. It is being extended further and further, from the South-Eastern Aleppo to the West of Africa. And in order to win this war, one needs to make a lot of efforts and have numerous allies. Russia is among them'.
He also pointed out that was constantly hearing criticism of his calls to rapprochement with Russia from adherents of his adversary in presidential primary former PM Alain Juppe, while the French authorities are punishing Moscow with sanctions instead of cooperating with it. 'I will use all the means and any countries that want to combat ISIS,' Fillon highlighted.
Former PM noted that the longer French temporize, the longer Russia will operate in Syria all alone, the longer migrants will be dying at sea trying to reach European coasts, 'the Islamic totalitarianism' will be thriving, while the Middle Eastern Christians will be suffering. 'Russia is the greatest country of the world, and we are keeping pushing it to Asia, although it poses no threat,' Fillon claimed. As Pravda.Ru reported, after first primary Fillon is leading in fight for opportunity to be nominated as presidential candidate from the biggest opposition force.
