Russian airborne troops to get extra strong notebooks

The Russian Airborne Forces will get extra strong notebooks to transmit confidential or open data via radio, satellite, mobile or IP-channels. The notebook has been specially developed by the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation by order of the Airborne troops. To avoid damages of the device, it's placed in a shatter-proof case. As representatives of the company said, a device to 'read' special extra strong flash card of the Russian production was built into the computer. The card withstands high altitude falling, and is water- and fire-proof. The computer is also equipped with an IP-camera, which allows arrangement of video connection and conduct of video observance. 'The speed of data transition via mobile net is 150 Mbit/s, via radio channel it's up to 230kbit/s, and via a satellite one is up to 1 Mbit/s,' a source revealed. The device may operate in full autonomy and in vehicle network of a helicopter or an automobile, as well as through a socket. The notebook has 3G/4G modem, which is not bound to a mobile network operator. In case there's no connection, a satellite antenna is used. The computer may also transmit encrypted data via common landline.
