Cryonics: Merchants of death stop at nothing


More than 50 Russians have had their bodies cryogenically frozen. Another 200 have signed contracts for the future. Most of them are those who suffer from serious diseases. They have decided to freeze their bodies in a hope that they will be able to be cured of their diseases in several decades.

The procedure costs about 37,000 euros - the price does not include body transportation costs. The frozen bodies are kept in special tanks at -196 degrees Centigrade.

The people, who sign cryogenic contracts for the future, hope for a miracle. They hope that in a few decades or even hundreds of years, people will be able to find a cure for their diseases.

Several days ago, the whole world was shocked to learn the story of a 14-year-old girl, who suffered from cancer. The girl obtained a legal right to have her body frozen. Her mother was not opposed to her wish, but the girl's father was against his daughter's decision, claiming that none of her relatives would be alive in several decades, when her body is brought back to life. The court eventually gave permission to the girl for a cryonic procedure. It is worthy of note that modern science still does not have a technology of how to bring frozen people back to life.

What is cryonics? Is it a technology of the future, or another stunt that "merchants of death" use to their advantage? Pravda.Ru asked an expert opinion from chairman of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights, Yan Vlasov.

"Is it a reliable technology or just a PR act to receive money from desperate people?"

"This is a myth that they use to make money. Of course, many of those in despair would take up on this as their last hope. Officially, there are no such practices in medicine. This is neither a medical service, nor a way of medical assistance. Those people are charlatans. Today, they would not even try to unfreeze anyone, because the effect would be obvious. The people who engage into this kind of activity are merchants of death."


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov