Coronavirus: in the wards the emergency has totally regressed

Coronavirus: in the wards the emergency has totally regressed

The writer is a nurse working on the front line of a hospital in Milan. I begin on [1] to report the empirical reality of our departments where the emergency has totally regressed.

by Raffaele Varvara, for

There are no intubated patients, we have no deaths, we no longer have the decubitus of the masks on our faces and there are no more stressful numbers for the National Health Service. Those numbers, spread every day by the mainstream media, do not reflect the reality of our departments and serve to fuel an unfounded fear.

The numbers that correspond to the reality of the facts are the following:

In a video, which in these hours bounces on social media [6], I invited my other colleagues to be witnesses of truth today, as we were during the acute phase of the pandemic, however I was lynched and branded as a denier / conspiracy theorist.

By now the correct sanitary communication requires a way of thinking and acting, deactivates critical thinking with infusions of anesthetizing panic and truncheon dissidents.

Prolonged panic is the worst damage this virus can do: a people in fear is capable of sacrificing freedom and rights in order to have their lives saved.

As a good health practitioner, I conclude with a recommendation, not of a strictly medical nature: let's continue to give voice to independent information, we continue to keep the light of reason alight because reasoning each one with his own head is today the greatest act of resistance to protect us from contagion of fear.

By Raffele Varvara, 22 August 2020

Published by Jacopo Brogi for

Translation by Costantino Ceoldo


Sorry: every link Italian only








Author`s name
Costantino Ceoldo