Israel, the UNO and Impotence

Many are the men who in later middle age try to perform but... well, it just doesn't happen. An understanding partner can say "It doesn't matter, dear" before she starts to fantasize about the milkman. Many are the times that the international community calls upon Israel not to proceed with colonies. Well, it just doesn't happen.

So here we have Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary-General, yet again crying impotently, knocking on Israel's door, asking Israel not to proceed with its plans for an illegal colony in the E1 area, which would cut off East Jerusalem from the West Bank. The answer is silence, at best; au audible "Clear off!" at worst... so to speak.

So the UN Secretary-General looks on "with concern" just as the proverbial husband might look on, hidden quietly in the wardrobe, as his proverbial wife screams in pleasure as she is sired by the proverbial milkman. By "with concern" read "impotent". And if anyone is outraged at the comparison, then suppose someone started doing something tangible to stop Israel's rape of international law and cocking a snook constantly in the face of the international community?

And as a member of this community, Israel has obligations; the flip side of the coin is that if Israel does not want to follow international law, then it should man up and leave the UNO. You cannot have it both ways; the alternative is to be branded a pariah and a paragon of all that is undesirable.

Israel's claims that the land it seized in conflict are spoils of war go against the grain of each and every treaty international diplomacy has witnessed since Westphalia in 1648 and the argument is as risible as claiming that had the Second World War ended in 1941, then France would rightfully have belonged to spoils of war.

The international lobbies and pressure groups active in the member states of the international community render any notion of an ethical foreign policy useless, and again, politicians look on, impotent, as Israel embarrasses them time and time again, bulldozing Palestinian homes, seizing farms that have belonged to Palestinian families for centuries, desecrating graves and cemeteries, tearing up settlements where the Palestinians try to live after their homes have been destroyed...

And the international community looks on, as impotent and frustrated as the husband hiding in the wardrobe. It is by now obvious that the politicians are too yellow to do anything because their anatomies are grabbed by the vice of the lobbies which pull their strings, sniveling, cringing, shivering cowards, trembling in fear and looking the other way when someone shouts out "Hey! What was that about upholding international law? You are in there when it comes to bombing Arabs but when it comes to Israel...?"

So suppose the citizens of the world did something? Someone told me that a quick search of the bar codes for Israeli products and a boycott, coupled with a boycott of companies which market and sell them should do the trick.

The husband hiding in the wardrobe does have a secret weapon against that milkman... he and his neighbours can stop buying his milk.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey




Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey