Voting Obama or thinking like Hitler

By Nicolas Bonnal

The most important today's question is the end of the nations and the emergence of a fully mixed and interconnected globe (for the blue planet has become a mere cybernetic globe). There are no countries left, just networks. And it is the end of our old paradigms and frames, like religion, race, culture, even sex. This is the world western elites - whom we call ironically Illuminati - want for us. Of course there is some resilience; yet it may come from an unexpected source.

Recently, the shrewd observers have noticed that there is a new surge of racism (as we know, a white Christian is easily labelled racist nowadays, and everywhere) in America, or a so-called "white consciousness', which is connected with the decline of white population in USA, both demographically and culturally, for white babies are already minority and middle class (an euphemism for whites) is impoverished. Of course if Obama is re-elected, and if African or Latino immigration keeps flooding, this movement will improve. We must remark that it is not violent and that this movement is much more intellectual than that involving the militias in the 90's. Many whites lament their decline, the decline of their country, the decline of Christianity, and blame the dark role of "hostile elites", as scholar Kevin McDonald has nicknamed them. In Europe too we have an ex-commissar of free trade, now working for big global business, who asked for a greater "undermining" of our old nations' racial and cultural homogeneity, even if many Europeans think that "we have gone too far".

I come to my point: the actual process (globalisation/immigration/reaction) is not new. Professor McDonald quotes in his books American scholars, now labelled "Neanderthal thinkers", who opposed at the beginning of the last century a massive immigration coming from Europe, especially form eastern and southern Europe. These claims motivate the Harding presidency's laws against immigration at the beginning of the "roaring twenties". These curious times saw too a wave of xenophobia, the triumph of the KKK (three millions members in 1923!), the celebration of the Griffith's racist birth of a nation and the so much criticized isolationism of both presidents Harding and Coolidge (everybody today would prefer less interventionism, but...). The main authors of this protest, arguing that a Nordic America hadn't to be undermined by Latin, Slavic or Jewish immigration, were Professors Grant, Stoddard and a traveller- writer named Kenneth Roberts, close to Russian aristocrats who had then fled their country.

I don't tell these writers were lunatic, but their arguments were the same than those of a then young and extremist German politician named... Adolph Hitler. They praised Nordic race, they denounced like him and Spengler the decline of the West, they attacked immigration, and the massive invasion of "inferior races" in their beloved and idealized America. Like many extremist theorists they projected themselves in a golden age and an Arcadian land - think of genius Edgar Allan Poe. Writes Stoddard in his of course scandalous, but sometimes excellent and prophetic, the rising tide of colour:

For nearly seventy years after the Revolution, immigration was small, and during that long period of ethnic isolation the colonial stock, unperturbed by alien influences, adjusted its cultural differences and began to display the traits of a genuine new type, harmonious in basic homogeneity and incalculably rich in racial promise.

Of course Stoddard wants to protect this "isolated colonial stock", which he compares to ancient Greeks (!), from an uncertain future! But at the beginning of last century, one million people enter each year in America, mainly from eastern and southern Europe. And they don't match the Nordic canons of our American dreamers: writes bitterly and aggressively the famous Madison Grant on the subject, in his pessimistic (racists are often pessimistic) The Passing of s great race:

New York is becoming a cloaca gentium which will produce many amazing racial hybrids and some ethnic horrors that will be beyond the powers of future anthropologists to unravel.

This phrase and many more, echo Hitler's racial diatribes against Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire, or France and her African colonial troops. At the same time Hitler fears a "mongrelization" of Europe, like all these American writers convinced of the grandiose (but always fragile!) superiority of the Nordic race. Kenneth Roberts puts it in these words, in a then famous book Why Europe leaves home:

America wants no more shoals of foreigners cramming her slums, lowering her Standards of living, mongrelizing her population and sowing the seeds of European instability...  The American nation was founded and developed by the Nordic race, but if a few more million members of the Alpine, Mediterranean and Semitic races are poured among us, the result must inevitably be a hybrid race of people as worthless and futile as the good-for-nothing mongrels of Central America and South-eastern.

In 1921, Americans think that they have been fooled by WW1 and they want no more being involved in world affairs. They hate bolshevism, they refuse new immigration waves, and they just focus on business and stock exchange with the well-known consequences. 

When the anti-immigration act passes, it drastically diminishes the flood of abhorred races, and has at least a supporter in Europe: Adolph Hitler. He writes from his jail, in his so infamous book:

At present there exists one State which manifests at least some modest attempts that show a better appreciation of how things ought to be done in this matter. It is not, however, in our model German Republic but in the U.S.A. that efforts are made to conform at least partly to the counsels of commonsense. By refusing immigrants to enter there if they are in a bad state of health, and by excluding certain races from the right to become naturalized as citizens, they have begun to introduce principles similar to those on which we wish to ground the People's State.

Hitler had sympathy towards Nordic Anglo-American world, ethics and civilization. Like many racist Germans he admired British Empire, English traditions and American Nordic conquest of an immense territory. His weird Anglophile bias may be the cause of his many errors during the war, from Dunkirk to North Africa. He considered too, like American theorists, that tropical conquest was bad for Nordic minds and bodies... and that thought partially inspired his murderous and absurd conquest of Russia. I will come soon to that fifty million dead question.

As I already observed, there is a new feeling in America which of course mainstream media ignore or prefer to ignore. I don't really know what future expects "the first superpower in the world". But I dare say that the spread between the adorers of the superpower and the amateurs of the old white nation will grow bigger, will grow enormous.  Let just them vote Obama again.

Nicolas Bonnal 

Author`s name
Nicolas Bonnal