Chechen fighters to storm Ukraine's Mariupol, Ramzan Kadyrov says

Chechen fighters will storm Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, Chechen President Kadyrov said.

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov is currently staying in the war zone, Kadyrov wrote on Telegram. The MP personally prepares the operation to storm the factory, the president of Chechnya added.

A large number of fighters from nationalist battalions settled on the territory of the plant after their positions in Mariupol were ruptured, Kadyrov noted. Chechen special forces were ordered to mop up Azovstal systematically and cause as little damage to personnel as possible.

"The liberation of this facility will cause irreparable damage to nationalists, as they will lose both a strategically important object and men," Kadyrov concluded.

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