Germany tells Ukraine not to mess with Nord Stream 2

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated that Ukraine should stop criticising Germany's participation in the Nord Stream-2 project.

At a press briefing in Kiev, Steinmeier tried to explain that "we are also talking about the future and security of Ukraine." "You saw that Germany is making efforts to ensure the transit of gas through Ukraine," he said.

According to the German president, Ukraine's fears of losing its status as a gas transit country have no real basis.

Nord Stream-2 stipulates for the construction of gas pipelines with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Earlier, the United States said that the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline would undermine Ukraine's energy independence. However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany regarded the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline as an economic project that was safe for Europe.

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