USA trains Syrian militants to kill Russians in Syria

Experts of the Russian Defence Ministry study the version of the involvement of Free Syrian Army fighters in the attack on the Russian military. It was said that the fighters of the Free Syrian Army were trained at a US base in Syria.

Earlier, a group of fighters of the Free Syrian Army allegedly went to the Deir-ez-Zor region to provide assistance to Kurdish formations. They are based in At-Tanf in the province of Homs. The base was established by US special services in 2014. The Russian Ministry of Defence believes that the US-led coalition provides military training for representatives of the "moderate opposition" in Syria.

At the US base, radical fighters are also trained to struggle against the army of Syrian President  Bashar Assad. An armed classо with them took place last week. About ten Russian professional soldiers of the 200th artillery brigade of the Eastern Military District took part in the skirmish. They were supposed to coordinate actions of the Syrian troops.

On May 23, Syrian military groups were being stowed, when the militants attacked. The Russian military repulsed the attack by taking on the command. The russian deployed artillery weapons and opened fire within the shortest period of time possible.

As a result, 43 militants were killed, six vehicles were destroyed. Officials with the Russian Defence Ministry confirmed the death of four Russian military men in Syria and the wounding of three others.

In February, it was reported that the United States destroyed a large group of Russian mercenaries in Syria. The number of victims still remains unknown and varies from four to dozens.


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