USA highly concerned about Russia's cold-blooded silence in response to missile attack on Syria

The United States is concerned about the current crisis in the relations with Russia and suggests returning to reasonable policies to avoid a nuclear war, military expert Sergei Sudakov believes.

A recent report from the US Congressional Research Center said that if the United States conduct an "instantaneous global strike," the missiles would most likely fly over the territories of Russia or China." "Many possible targets lie south of Russia and China, and the United States has historically planned to launch its ballistic missiles over the North Pole."

The authors of the report believe that in such a situation, Moscow and Beijing may use nuclear weapons without having time to assess the threat. To prevent "misunderstanding" between Moscow and Washington, it is proposed to notify Russia of the planned launch and maintain constant contacts between the military of the two states.

Sergei Sudakov, a member of the Academy of Military Sciences, political scientist and Americanist, told Pravda.Ru, that "the concept of sovereignty provides for certain conditions, when aerial weapons can fly over foreign territories only if the route has been coordinated with the countries that own those territories." "Otherwise, the missiles will be destroyed, and this is what the Russian military nuclear doctrine says," Sergei Sudakov said.

If one reads the report "between the lines," "the US wants to resume the system of full-fledged control over airspace," Sergei Sudakov believes. The Americans were very much surprised with Russia's cold-blooded silence in response to their attacks on Syria. They clearly understand that Russia is not going to withdraw its earlier statements, they know that Russia will respond accordingly," Sergei Sudakov said.

"The Americans indirectly speak of their intention to return to the system of coordinated launches and flights and warn each other to avoid a catastrophe. This is a policy of fear that leads to a policy of reason. Pre-emption and a constant classic hotline for prevention should always be present for any missile launches - this is the only thing that can save us from the war," the expert told Pravda.Ru.

It is worthy of note that Russia had preliminary coordinated the flights of its Caliber missiles over the territories of Iran and Iraq when Russia was striking terrorists in Syria from the south-western area of the Caspian Sea.


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