Russian diplomats leave London

Source: REX

Russian diplomats have left the embassy building in London, as the local authorities ordered them to. Minibuses with departing embassy staff and their families members left the territory of the diplomatic mission to the tune of "Farewell of Slavianka", TASS reports.

The diplomats went to the airport, from where they will fly to Russia on a special aircraft. Taking into consideration family members of the expelled diplomats, as many as 80 Russian citizens have left the UK in the midst of the scandal around the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.

In the meantime, British diplomats in Moscow prepare to leave the Russian capital as well. The British Council has been wrapping up its work in Russia as well. The British Council has stopped working in Russian on account of the unsettled status of the organization.

The British Consulate in St. Petersburg will not appear either as Russia has withdrawn the previously given consent for its opening.


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