Ukraine wants to follow Montenegro to join NATO

Ukraine will focus its foreign policy on joining NATO. The relevant decision received the support from 226 deputies of the Ukrainian Parliament.

The new law states the need for Ukraine to strengthen relations with NATO to achieve the criteria necessary for membership in the organization. The document also runs: "In accordance with main principles of foreign policy, Ukraine shall deepen cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to acquire membership in the organization." President Petro Poroshenko is to sign the new amendments to the law.     

Ukraine took the course for becoming a NATO member in 2014. Ukraine will need to bring its armed forces in compliance with NATO standards by 2020.

Ukraine hopes to follow Montenegro to become another member of the North Atlantic Alliance. "The flag of Montenegro at NATO demonstrates the open door policy of the alliance in action. No doubt, Ukraine's expanded partnership with NATO will lead to a similar outcome," Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin tweeted.


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