
Turkey shows off groundless bravado by trying to build own missiles

Turkey shows off groundless bravado by trying to build own missiles

Turkey does not have a strong research school to develop its own weapons. Therefore, a recent statement fro Turkish officials about the creation of medium-range missiles is nothing but an attempt to "show-off," Sergei Gorodnikov, the Director of the Center for Global Development Policy said. 

Ankara surprised Western allies and military experts with an intention to develop its own offensive missiles. "NATO was puzzled with the desire to develop offensive missiles," a NATO official said. "Turkey is part of the security umbrella. We are not certain that there is any sense for Turkey to try to build offensive weapons, despite the reasonable sense of increased military threats in the region," the official added, Defense News wrote. 

According to the official, it is rogue states that usually opt for missile systems, because this type of weapons can carry biological, chemical or nuclear warheads. "Turkey is not a rogue state, so its ambition to create offensive missile systems are very curious," the official added. 

Also read: Scenarios of real war between Russia and Turkey

According to Sergei Gorodnikova, the Director of the Center for Global Development Policy, Turkey does not have a traditionally strong research school to build its own weapons. "At the time the Ottoman Empire, Turkey captured three civilizations - Egypt, Mesopotamia and Byzantium, but was unable to gain anything fro the captured civilizations. Turkey has created no great thinker, no prominent scientist, no great engineer, no writer or poet of world significance," the expert said. 

"Technologically, Turkey has been dependent on its European allies since the 17th century - France and Germany. All those modern achievements that Turkey made under President Recep Erdogan became possible owing to German technologies.  When Turkish officials say that Turkey is developing its own weapons this is nothing but unsubstantiated attempts to show-off. Turkey has neither strong engineering schools, nor powerful institutions," the expert told Pravda.Ru.


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