Christian Talib version is created in Ukraine

Dmytro Korchynsky, leader of the Ukrainian political extremist oraganization, called Bratstvo, i.e. Brotherhood, aims to create a Christian version of the Taliban and start a Holy War against Russia.

Korchynsky is determined to make up a new ideology that would compound messianic Christianity and jihadist Islam. Apart from Taliban, he is encouraged with Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda.

He believes that the only opportunity to solve the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine is to wage jihad against Russia.

Korchinsky, who is also a commander of a privately-funded paramilitary unit, namely St. Mary's Battalion, regards his fighters as nationalistic religious zealots. Young men recruited by Bratstvo, are of about 18 to 25 years old. One of them claimed:

"Everything with us is based on faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that only a religious community can win in today's world, and in a society where all our values have declined in importance and only faith survives. War makes this evident. There is no place for atheists when there are mortars and rockets firing."

According to Dmytro, the special underground structures have already been formed in the territory of Russia, and are ready to start fighting.

Korchinsky joined muslim Chechens fighters in the North Caucasus in the early 1990s.

Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Also read: Russia files criminal case against Ukrainian extremist

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