
S-300 supply to Iran to change balance of power in Middle East

S-300 supply to Iran to change balance of power in Middle East

Russia will not stand aside and restrain from weaponry delivery to Iran as the UN Security Council Resolution 1929 calls upon.

One of the most powerful anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 will be supplied to Iran.

The lethal defense S-300 system can shoot down aircrafts over the area larger than New Jersey state and detect them at quite a larger zone.

Russian determination to sell this highly-accurate, mobile surface-to-air missile system can be explained with a number of facts.

Also read: Iran to finally get hold of S-300?

The US forces and its allies will be no longer capable of controlling the Middle East air space. Moreover, the attack from their side would require high-cost assets. Thus, bombing Iranian nuclear facilities becomes hardly probable and is extremely time-consuming.

The US need to develop new technologies now, so to counteract the advanced S-300 system, as the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis threatens.

Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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