
Russians name their biggest sexual taboos

Russians name their biggest sexual taboos
Source: REX

The share of Russians opposed to extramarital sex, abortions and same-sex relationships has reached its maximum since the time when the research on the topic started 20 years ago, Levada Center said on January 11.

As many as 68 percent of respondents expressed their negative attitude to having sex outside marriage (in 1998 - 50 percent). Eighty-one percent of respondents expressed their utterly negative attitude to same-sex marriage (in 1998 - 68 percent).

A third of female respondents expressed their opposition to abortions, even if they are caused by low incomes. As a rule, female village residents are more tolerant of abortions due to poverty. In general, women are more conservative about the topic of sexual relations than men. Men are traditionally more loyal to the issue of adultery.

The number of those opposed to abortion is larger among those, who call themselves Orthodox, but do not go to church (35 percent) than among those who follow church canons (16 percent).

The survey was conducted in December 2017 with the participation of 1,600 adults in 137 settlements in 48 regions of Russia. Earlier, similar studies were conducted in 1998 and 2008.


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