
Pregnant Chinese woman seriously injured while passing turnstile at Moscow subway

Pregnant Chinese woman seriously injured while passing turnstile at Moscow subway
Source: Fotodom/Kommersant

A pregnant Chinese female was injured while passing a turnstile in the Moscow subway (metro). The doors of the gate hit the woman in the stomach. The Chinese woman was hospitalized; doctors diagnosed a threatening miscarriage.

The incident occurred at Lubyanka station. The 30-year-old Ge Jouxing was said to be nine months pregnant.

The woman received all necessary medical assistance and currently stays under supervision at a Moscow hospital. The woman is due to give birth in two weeks.

It is worthy of note that old, Soviet-style "dangerous" turnstiles still remain at a couple of stations of the Moscow subway. The retractable barriers of this type of turnstiles are located on the level of hips and their impact force is not too strong. For example, fare dodgers may pass an old turnstile for free by catching the retractable barriers with their fingers.

Lubyanka station is equipped with new, modern turnstiles that have transparent doors. The machines may malfunction at times indeed. For examples, their plastic doors may close too soon, not allowing a passenger to go through. A passenger stuck in the closing plastic doors of the new turnstiles may have a very unpleasant and painful experience.


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