Acceptability of sexual immorality in USA shooting up, Gallup study says

In addition, the Americans now accept the practice of using stem cells from human embryos, which increased 12 percentage points, from 52 to 64 percent.In the United States, the notion of sexual immorality is vanishing, a new Gallup study revealed. According to the report, from 2001 to 2015, people have started to accept homosexual relations (23 percentage points up from 40 to 63), having children outside marriage (from 53 to 68 percent), divorce (59 to 71 percent) and polygamy (7 to 16 percent).

As for abortion, the views on the moral acceptability of this issue have not changed. From 2001 to 2015 the percentage of those saying abortion is morally acceptable went from 42 to 45 percent plus or minus 4 percentage point margin of error). 

Also read: Homosexuality and Sochi Games

A decrease in moral acceptability was reported for death penalty (63 to 60 percent), medical testing on animals went from 65 to 56 percent.

As for same-sex marriage, 60 percent of the polled said same-sex marriage should be legally recognized while 37 percent were opposed to it. 

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