Russian helicopters Ka-52 destroy terrorists in Syria. Video

A video of a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter destroying terrorists' military equipment in the area of Palmyra, Syria, has appeared on the Internet.

The video shows the Russian Ka-52 helicopters attacking military hardware of ISIL terrorists with  anti-tank guided missiles.

Russia deployed its air force group in Syria in September 2015 at the request from the Syrian government.

The situation in Syria remains complicated. The Russian military registered eleven violations of the ceasefire regime in Syria in one day. Representatives of Turkey registered another seven violations.

More often than not, violations occur in areas controlled by Jabhat en-Nusra and the Islamic State terrorist organisations (banned in Russia).  Russian observers pointed out four violations in Damascus, three in Hama and two in Latakia and Derya, Russia's Defence Ministry said in a newsletter.


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