Jungle Welt: USA afraid to expose satellite imagery of MH17 crash over Ukraine

German journalists paid attention to the reluctance of the US authorities to reveal details of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in Donbas

The authors of the article published on Junge Welt note that US Secretary of State John Kerry said in the first days after the disaster that the US knew who launched the missile and there was undeniable evidence to prove that. However, the United States has not presented any evidence still. Unlike the USA, Russia exposed its satellite imagery from the crash zone four days after the disaster. 

The article mentions US-based investigative journalist John Parry, who currently manages Consortiumnews website. Parry claims that a source at the security services told him that the US satellite photos depict something that the USA does not want to show the world: military men in Ukrainian uniforms near the Buk missile system. 

The investigative committee from the Netherlands has written hundreds of pages of the report about the tragedy, but it appears that all the paper has been wasted. The Dutch investigators can only state the fact that the aircraft was struck by a large number of high-energy objects. The report says nothing about what kind of objects they were and who launched them at the jetliner. 

The Dutch report also mentions "complicated circumstances" that may suggest certain obstacles on the way of the investigation.  

To crown it all, the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine is carried out within the framework of the Chicago Convention, which contains a set of regulations as per confidentiality of information.

Interestingly, in August 2014, the governments of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Belgium and Ukraine undertook in writing to make public statements about the crash of the Boeing above Donbas only after mutual agreement. In other words, any party can veto the promulgation of unwanted information.


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru 

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