Zarif: Iran will not halt research on centrifuges

The Foreign Minister of Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif, reemphasized that Iran does not intend to suspend the development of scientific research in the centrifuges. Zarif responded with a resounding "NO  to the question about the disposition of his country to stop the use of new generation centrifuges for purposes of scientific research.

In an interview during the Munich Security Conference (MSC, in English), in Germany, Zarif responded with a resounding "NO" to the question about the disposition of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop the use of new generation centrifuges for purposes of scientific research.

"I do not think that technology and science have something to do with proliferation," reiterated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran on Saturday to journalists from Reuters and The International Associates.

Some countries of the Group 5 +1 criticized Tehran for having installed earlier this year, about 1,000 second-generation centrifuges (IR- 2m) for nuclear research in Natanz (central Iran).

However, after the expert level talks between Iran and the G5 +1 in Geneva, representatives of the sextet of countries have recognized the right to use these centrifuges in Iran to conduct studies in accordance with an article of the provisional nuclear agreement reached between the parties last November.

In another part of his remarks, Zarif referred to the upcoming nuclear talks between Iran and the G5 +1 (U.S., UK, France, Russia and China, plus Germany) to be held on 18 February in Vienna, the Austrian capital, in order to reach a final agreement.

"In our opinion, it is not so difficult to reach an agreement (final), provided there is good faith and good will of both parties to achieve the common goal which is to prove the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program," Zarif said.

On January 20, Iran and the Sextet began implementing a preliminary nuclear deal of six months, with which the G5 +1 lift part of the sanctions against Iran, and in return the Islamic Republic will not enrich uranium above 5 %.

Under the agreement, the two sides will continue to maintain contacts within a maximum period of one year, with the goal of achieving a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Iranian nuclear program.
Iran News , with Hispan TV

Translated by Natália Santos

From the Portuguese version


Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey