Australia burns in record temperatures

Forty degrees Celsius, forty-five, fifty... the meteorological office was showing growing areas of the map deep red. Then the temperatures rose to fifty-four degrees Celsius and a vast area of Southern Australia was presented for the first time in purple, a new reality for new times.

Study the Earth's temperature over the last four hundred thousand years and you will see a regular curve spanning some 50,000 years producing warmer and cooler climates over time with more or less the same regularity, and always respecting the Ocean and air currents caused by the Earth's shifting tilt. This has been studied and is scientific fact. Until some one hundred and fifty years ago, when there is an exponential spike in the graph.

And so exponential it goes off the scale. Despite this, the exact connection between what is termed "climate change" and Australia's wildfires is scant. Even though this year's (Australian) summer wildfires were predicted by Australian scientists in 2012 for Southern Australia and Tasmania, the smoking gun has yet to be found.

True, Australia is experiencing record highs - periods of hotter weather lasting longer - and this comes after confirmation that globally, 2012 was the hottest year on record, producing dry conditions and creating tinder for today's fires over the past six months. But weren't southern and eastern Australia the scene of terrible floods in 2011 and the first half of 2012? Yes, they were.

So how does that prove global warming and confirm that today's wildfires are a result? It doesn't. What it does prove is that scientists are today quoting the oceanic current phenomena El Niño and La Niña with increasing frequency, while claiming that there is no single human-induced event which sparks global warming, rather that we are witnessing a generalized trend of extreme weather events.

So we are no further to disproving the theories of the Serbian physicist and astronomer Professor Milutin Milanković than we have been in the last century since he published his discoveries on the Earth's axial tilt and climate change brought about as a reaction to currents.

As the Australians battle with living Hell on Earth, and as the Americans pick up the pieces after Sandy, are the extreme conditions we see just seasonal variations in what will be a regular curve seen from 50,000 years hence, or is this the continuation of that spike? Milutin Milanković, to date, seems to be the only one with a plausible answer.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey