Russian Currency Market To Face No Significant Changes In Near Future

Traders do not expect any significant changes on the Russian currency market until the end of October. The analysis of the currency trading over the past few days shows that the dollar rate has not been affected by any external factors, and the situation has remained the same on the currency market: the dollar rate has been fluctuating within the range from 29.40 RUR/USD to 29.47 RUR/USD. This opinion was voiced by specialists when forecasting currency trading on the MICEX. Banks have still been actively purchasing hard currency for their clients. Over the past few days, large banks have played the role of the Central Bank on the market. They have been selling dollars and have not let the dollar rate rise beyond 29.46 RUR/USD. That is why no significant changes are expected in the dollar rate until the end of October. A lot will depend on the situation with ruble resources on the interbank market. The dynamics of the dollar rate will be under control, and market traders will be watching the moves of big sellers, awaiting signs indicating a rise in the dollar rate.

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