Andrey Krushinsky: China will help Cuba

Could Li Peng, the chairman of the Chinese National People’s Congress, says that his visit to Cuba (which was scheduled beforehand) will coincide with hurricane Michelle – the strongest storm in 50 years.

Fidel Castro spent his entire day today with the citizens of his country, checking the means of protection and viewing the situation with his own eyes. Negotiations with the “speaker of the Chinese parliament” took place earlier, on Sunday, when the evacuation of 700 people started. Li Peng promised that China would not leave Cuba in trouble and that it would help it without indemnity in order to overcome the consequences of the disaster.

Li Peng expressed his solidarity with the struggle of the Cubans against foreign intervention and the threats to protect its independence and sovereignty. Castro declared his delight about China’s development, which is still going on under the conditions of the world economic crisis.

The subjects of terrorism and “anti-terrorism” could not but help being touched upon. The parties were unanimous in regards to the condemnation of the acts of terrorism in New York and Washington, as well as the condemnation of terrorism as it is. However, anti-terrorism actions, like Li Peng said, should be strictly regulated; they must not cause damage to civilians or violate international laws.

Castro expressed his disagreement with the military means of solving this issue, for the use of force is unable to solve anything; they just lead to more victims among the innocent people.

Li Peng’s five-day visit started at a time that was difficult for Cuba not because of Michelle. When the American authorities are obsessed with the “anti-terror” mania and when the Russian authorities made up their minds to put an end to the military presence in the Caribbean basin, China’s solidarity is very important to Cuba, even if it is simply the moral solidarity so far.

Andrey Krushinsky PRAVDA.Ru Beijing

CNN photo: Chinese National People's Congress

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