Victims of rape more prone to smoking

Sexual molestation leads to nicotine dependency

American researchers arrived at such conclusion after conducting anonymous survey of women. Instance of sexual abuse in their early childhood have increased the chance of developing a smoking habit by four times. In addition, researchers determined a tendency that such women are more likely to start smoking even before they turn 14.

296 women (age 18-74) participated in the study conducted by specialists from the famous American clinic Mayo. They were asked whether they have ever been sexually assaulted or raped before 17.

It turned out that sexual molestation, more than such factors as age, ethnicity and income influenced a person's choice to start smoking. According to the scientists, smoking became a sort of a defense mechanism for these women during such early stages of their lives.

It should be noted however that due a relatively small group of participants, it is too early to make any generalizations. According to the authors of the research whose article has recently appeared on the pages of “Addictive Behaviors” magazine, the data will give rise to additional research studies in this area, spark discussions regarding the subject and help create additional anti-smoking campaigns.

Source: Mednovosti

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov