"The Giant Awakes" - the operation is on

Unexpected unrests in Brazil began a few days after the official visit to the country of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who called for a new era in the relations between the U.S. and Brazil. Biden said that it will be marked with the expansion of cooperation in the fields of education and science, and gave the go-ahead to the operation called "The Giant Awakes."

The hashtag # ogiganteacorda (giant awakes) is used to organize protests in Brazil through Twitter. The protests have been intermittently ongoing for two months and become more active at times of major international events. The latest protests were dedicated to the visit of the first Latin American pope Francis I. Initially, the protests were caused by an increase in tariffs (seven percent) in public transport in the capital cities. But seven percent is not enough to cause such a massive unrest. To enhance the message, another very strange reason was invented for lack of a better one. Allegedly, the money spent on the organization of the World Cup in 2014, the Olympic Games in 2016, the Pope's visit, and so on, should have been spent on eliminating crime in the favelas, development of public transport, education and health care.

It is quite bizarre that the projects that give the country credibility, jobs and boost economic development are linked to problems in the social sphere. The claims against the government (poverty, social inequality, the tax burden) are not unfair, but they are clearly instigated in social networks and through the media giant Globo with the calls to "destroy" and "break." It is obvious that they are used to overthrow the objectionable government, namely, the left coalition government of Dilma Rousseff (Workers' Party). Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey and Brazil were the objects of the same conspiracy. "The same game is now being played over Brazil," Erdogan said. "The symbols are the same, the posters are the same, Twitter, Facebook are the same, the international media is the same. They (the protests) are being led from the same center." "They are doing their best to achieve in Brazil what they could not achieve in Turkey. It's the same game, the same trap, the same aim," said Erdogan.
What is he talking about? The answer can be found in the following statement by David Rockefeller, a member of the Bilderberg Group. "We are on the verge of a global transformation all we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order"," said the leader of the unofficial world government after the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008.

The establishment of the new world order is impeded by Brazil. While the eyes of the Anglo-Saxons and the Jewish lobby were turned to the traditional main rivals in the Middle East, the "backyard" of  the United States has matured into a very strong anti-Western coalition in the face of regional blocs politically led by Hugo Chavez, and economically - Brazil. After coming to power of a left politician Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and later his successor, current President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's power and international role as the center of political confrontation to the U.S. has dramatically increased. Brazil's cooperation with other centers - Russia and Iran - is annoying to those in power. In February of this year, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed an agreement with Brazil for the supply of anti-aircraft missile systems. it was also decided to strengthen the energy alliance, and the two countries are working confidently within the BRICS. Brazil headed the recognition of Palestine by the world community, and Lula has actively supported Iran. The country is aggressively seeking to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Chavez's death created an opportune moment to significantly weaken the coalition of Latin American and especially Brazil. Moreover, the plan of destroying the sovereignty of the countries was tested and brought the desired results in the Middle East. How it is implemented? Identification of main complaints and regions of greatest tension are identified, followed by organization of local protests through controlled social networks and media. Then victims are "set up" in order to ensure that protests escalate to national level. Then economic sanctions are introduced and the inconvenient government resigns. The new "democratically elected" one is entirely dependent and full of gratitude towards those who "saved the nation." However, as in the case with Egyptian President Mursi, misfires happen but everything can be fixed and is implemented using the same plan.

While in the Middle East religious passions are fueled, in Latin America this aspect will never lead to a revolution, and especially to a Civil War. Here the social gap between the rich and the poor and corruption are used. The latter is supported by drug cartels and secret financing of mega banks laundering dirty money.

Some data leaks from law enforcement agencies in Brazil led to the conclusion that the massive protest demonstrations in the country were organized by the CIA and Mossad "through the actions of their agents and saboteurs who hold leadership positions in organizations and NGOs," says Brazilian portal portrasmidiamundial.com.br. "With a budget of nearly a million dollars, presumably coming in through the CIA, the extreme right-wing groups are trying to involve in the protest movement public organizations and groups, including members of the black community, women, gays, university professors, lawyers, members of religious communities, human rights activists and environment and so on, trying to give some legitimacy to this movement, without information about the true purpose of the leaders of these social groups," wrote the portal.

Other Brazilian publications write about the fifth column among Brazilian officials and politicians involved in the process of discrediting the government of Dilma Rousseff. For example, O Dia newspaper published an interview with General Durval Antunes Machado Pereira de Andrade Nery, coordinator of the Center for Public Opinion CEBRES. He reveals the presence of mercenaries from a semi-governmental security firm Blackwater (known by the Boston Marathon) on oil rigs offshore and some reserves in the Amazon, where the army could get only with a special permission. "The future is now: mercenaries are occupying bases in the Brazilian Amazon"! The newspaper wrote, concluding that such actions are possible only with the participation of senior officials.

However, there is one "but" that can mix the cards of the leaders of the new world order. Latin America and Brazil have already gone through a similar process of destabilization in the 1960s and 1970s, with catastrophic consequences. There is still hope that they will learn from their mistakes. If this is not the case, then the new fascist world order is not far off.

Lyuba Lyulko



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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey