Angelina Jolie goes mad about her flabby stomach

One of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses, Angelina Jolie, has worked herself to exhaustion and major depression. Being a perfectionist, the actress can not afford to slow down in her race to perfection. An anonymous source close to the star said that Angie has developed a number of complexes.

The superstar doubts whether she can stay on top in the future. She is not certain if she is able to keep her status of Hollywood ’s most beautiful actress and the sex symbol of contemporary cinema.

The world believes that Angelina is perfect, that she was lucky to be born such a beautiful human being. Brad Pitt, Jolie’s lover, said once that she did not want people to know how hard it was for her to keep a good shape and stay on top. Angelina has to cultivate her abilities a lot to match her famous image, the actor said.

The actress gave way to depression after the birth of her twins in July 2008, stopped eating and found herself on the brink of nervous and physical exhaustion. Her depression developed into tantrums and hysterics.

Jolie’s constant struggle with her own body has weakened the actress entirely. She is torn between her six children, her movie projects and her gym, in which she spends five-six hours a day. Her work on her own body has turned into an endless war and personal dissatisfaction, which eats the actress from inside.

She works out like a mad woman, does not enjoy her physical exercises and tends to despise her own figure. Jolie thinks that she has a flabby stomach covered with stretch marks. The actress can not continue to lose weight for she has already reached the limit.

When she gave birth to her first child, she was overwhelmed with joy and showed very little interest in her own body, wrote with reference to an anonymous source. When she delivered her twins she came to realize that she could no longer ignore her own physical condition. She is mostly concerned about her breasts and her flabby stomach, the source reportedly said.

Brad Pitt does not want to listen to Jolie’s complaints and keeps telling the actress that she looks perfect. The most important thing, Pitt says, is the fact that she gave birth to three beautiful children.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov