African biological weapon no longer a threat

A new Ebola fever vaccine has been developed at the Center of Virology of the Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Federation, reports ITAR-TASS. The statement was made by the Center's director, colonel of the medical services Vladimir Maximov.

Ebola is a virus that is rather common in Africa. In most cases, the disease appears lethal. This virus, “based on our assumptions, appears to be the best biological weapon. We've created a defense medication that provides short-term defense (which lasts only several days) to be used when entering the epidemic epicenter,” stated Maximov.

According to the colonel, the vaccine prevents contamination only in case a person gets the shot right after leaving the epidemic epicenter, before the first symptoms occur.

“Even though we come up with all sorts of vaccines, the so-called prototypes, unfortunately, we are not authorized to use anyone of them,” said Maximov. Before a drug can be introduced, a series of clinical tests need to be conducted. The Ministry however, lacks finances to run such tests.

It is also noteworthy to mention that American military officials have already talked about the Ebola vaccine. However, nothing has been said about conducting tests on humans.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov