Iran Unimpressed by New UN Sanctions

Iran said on Wednesday it was unimpressed by planned new UN Security Council sanctions over its nuclear programme, and said it would remain patient.

“We will wait as, like before, they (the world powers) will not gain anything with a new resolution and there are definitely some wise people among them who will prevent this (renewed sanctions),” atomic chief Ali—Akbar Salehi was quoted by the news network Khabar as saying. “The issue of sanctions has lost its colour and is a futile effort, just discrediting internationally acknowledged regulations,” Mr. Salehi said after a cabinet session in Tehran, The Hindu reports.

Iranian National Security and Foreign Policy Commission spokesmen Kazem Jalali said Wednesday that the fact that the United States was insisting on imposing a new round of sanctions was "a type of modern barbarism."

Esmail Kowsari, deputy chairman of the Iranian National Security and Foreign Policy, said that the draft is a testament to the US and its allies' desire to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue by force only, and that the situation was "beyond negotiations.", Ynetnews informs.

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