Mel Gibson Avoided Conviction For Drunk Driving

  A judge today agreed to erase Mel Gibson's conviction that followed an infamous Malibu drunk driving arrest in which the actor made anti-Semitic comments to a sheriff's deputy.

   As part of his 2006 conviction, Gibson agreed to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, perform in public service announcements and pay $1,300 in fines to resolve the drunk driving case.Gibson issued two apologies for the incident through his publicist.

   A  leaked report revealed that during Gibson's July 28, 2006, arrest for driving under the influence, he made anti-Semitic remarks to arresting officer James Mee, who is Jewish, saying that jews were responsible for all the wars in the world. The famous actor was spotted driving his Lexus sedan over 85 mph. A breathalyzer test showed Gibson's blood-alcohol level to be .12%; the legal limit is .08%.

  Sheriff’s officials initially described the arrest as “without incident.”

   In his initial report, Sheriff’s Deputy James Mee described how Gibson, father of 7 children, “bolted” from custody and how he chased the actor back to Gibson’s car and handcuffed him.

   In addition, the report detailed repeated threats against Mee made by Gibson, who said he “owned Malibu” and would “get even” with the deputy.

   Department officials decided to conceal that portion of the report in an effort to prevent immediate public disclosure.

 Los Angeles Times  contributed to the report. 

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