Rosneft Head Might Take Retaliatory Measures Following Incident at London Airport

Rosneft Head Sergei Bogdanchikov might take retaliatory measures after secret documents had been taken away from him to make copies.

He said at a press conference in Moscow that he had a conversation with the Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Great Britain in Russia on Thursday morning and put forward his demands. Bogdanchikov said that if the demands were not met, his lawyers would take "retaliatory measures." He did not elaborate as to what exactly should be done.

On Wednesday evening, Bogdanchikov arrived in London to take part in the Russian Economic Forum, where the documents he had on him were taken away and copied. After the incident he decided to return to Moscow.

Bogdanchikov stated that he had not crossed the border of Great Britain formally and considered the actions illegal.

The Rosneft Head said that all his documents were in order.

Bogdanchikov intended to meet with the leadership of the British Petroleum and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was going to discuss, with the British Petroleum, a new multimillion contract on the development of a Sakhalin deposit. Besides, he intended to discuss, with the EBRD, the financing of the Prirazlomnoye deposit.

Sergei Bogdanchikov said that the company would not suffer any losses regardless of the disrupted talks.

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