Stomach of emerald-swallower costs $ 15,000

One of these days, law-enforcers of Volgograd Region had an unusual catch: they mined germs from stomach of an Middle-Asian dweller.

According to the report of the search, the 23-year-old citizen of Tajikistan swallowed 5 raw rubies and 5 emeralds. Experts suppose the content of the stomach could cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars. Though, the smuggler confessed he had been promised only 100 dollars.

Apropos, he was detained just in the terminus Volgograd-1, as the train arrived. The investigators specialized in smuggle have their own methods, and they easily could identify smugglers. The young man who at once was suspected of being drug smuggler was transported to hospital. And how the investigators were surprized, when after some easy medical procedures germs started to rain down from the client’s stomach. Just another thing is a capsule with heroin. This “article of trade” is already a tradition. Only within last year, workers of Transport Internal Affairs Office detained 17 drug-swallowers.

It should be noticed that the Volgograd law-enforcers added a fresh page to criminal history of Russia by detaining the germ smuggler: the fact like that was registered in Russia for the first time. Russia continues to write its bitter Guinnes Book.

Andrei Cherkasov PRAVDA.Ru Volgograd Translated by Vera Solovieva

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