Pavel Borodin celebrates his father-in-law anniversary and promises investments

In the city of Ulyanovsk, State Secretary of Russian-Byelorussian Union, Pavel Borodin has paid an unofficial visit. He came to his native city because of his father-in-law’s 85th anniversary. Once Pavel Borodin studied at Ulyanovsk Agricultural Institure. The parents of Borodin’s wife live in a usual flat, in a usual 5-storey block of flats. They are always glad to see Pavel, and they often phone him.

Pavel Borodin insisted on his visit to Ulyanovsk being unofficial. Though, the State Secretary had time to discuss several questions with the head of the city administration, Vladimir Shamanov. In particular, Pavel Borodin told about a new joint project of Russia, Byelorussia, and Japan. The question is about a factory of fodder adding, which could solve the problem of food supply for cattle not only in Ulyanovsk Region, but in neighbouring regions, too.

Pavel Borodin also asked Vladimir Shamanov questions connected with motorcar industry. According to Borodin, earlier, with the previous region leadership, he also occupied himself with drawing investments to UAZ work (Ulyanovsk Motorcar Work). Though the local administrative and legal base became an irresistible obstacle. “I tried to draw Mercedes and BMW companies to Ulyanovsk Region, though without effect, - Pavel Borodin said. - There should be one master here. Though, in every work, there are 28 or even 38 peoples, who pretend on being that works’ masters, so it is not easy to do it.” Really, at that time, it was much said about a project of co-operation with Mercedes-Benz company, even a delegation came from Germany.

Though, it did not came to real agreements. This visit of Pavel Borodin to Ulyanovsk was unofficial. So, he promised to come again in October. According to him, he “made efforts to draw investments to Russia in sum of about 17 billion rubles” (approximately $ 5,500,000). Pavel Borodin promised to draw investments to Ulyanovsk Region, too. At least, one or two million rubles.

Sergei Nikolaev PRAVDA.Ru Ulyanovsk

Translated by Vera Solovieva

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