Tests of the Military Transport Plane Il-76MF Are Coming to a Close

The Ilyushin aviation complex is completing the tests of the military transport plane Il-76MF with a prolonged cockpit and an enlarged cargo cabin, the head of the press service of the aviation holding company, Alexander Shakhnovich, said on Friday.

According to him, beginning with May 1st, this year, the Il-76MF will be sent to a series production and will be supplied to the Air Force of the country.

Apart from that, he said, the Russian Air Force has ordered to design and make a new light military transport plane Il-11. "We plan to fulfil the order in some four-five years," said Shakhnovich.

The company has also started modernising the Russian cargo plane Il-76 which will have new Russian PS-90 engines. "This will enable the Il-76 to fly abroad," noted Shakhnovich.

He said that the company was designing an anti-submarine naval plane for the Armed Forces of India.

The aviation complex is also preparing to carry out the first flight-tests of the up-to-date Russian plane Il-96-300. According to Shakhnovich, it is fitted out with modern navigation equipment and a new communication system. The technical characteristics of the plane fully meet the international standards concerning noise, ecology and avionics. The Il-96-300 will make its maiden flight on April 21st.

Alexander Shakhnovich said that the increased amount of work and orders for new planes had coincided with the 70th jubilee of the Ilyushin aviation complex which is marked this year.

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