President's Plenipotentiary Elected Chairman of Board of Directors of Leading Aircratf Company

Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Privolzhsk Federal District Sergei Kirienko was elected chairman of the board of directors of Aviastar (Ulyanovsk) on Wednesday, January 15. This was announced to a Rosbalt correspondent by Mr Kirienko's press office. At the shareholders' meeting 12 people were voted onto the board of directors including Mr Kirienko as a government representative.

Aviastar was created after the reorganisation of the Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex named after D.F. Ustinov, which was founded in 1976. Now the company is one of the largest aircraft constructors in Russia and produces and sells Tu-204 aircraft models as well as the unique Ruslan freight planes. The company provides after-sales services regardless of guarantee expiry dates including repair and maintenance.

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