The trade on the Russian stock market became more active in the afternoon.The trade volume has amounted to $8.2m at the RTS. RAO UES andSurgutneftegas shares have been bought actively. "Futures of US stockindices still point to a positive opening of US markets, oil rates are alsopositive, so our market is growing amid this information. At the same timethere is a demand for our securities from foreign buyers", traders pointout. "A cautious optimism is dominating on the market, but still, it isnecessary to wait for the development of the situation abroad. If there areno negative events on September 11, investors' inspiration may result inthe advance in prices on US markets, and, in this event, our market willalso have chances to go up. Moreover, world oil prices remain high andthere are no preconditions for a noticeable drop", experts believe..
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