Kirghizia and Siberia intend to establish joint enterprises

Kirghizia and the Siberian Federal Region intend to create joint ventures in such sectors as light and metallurgic industries and agriculture. The corresponding protocol on intentions was signed on Wednesday in Cholpon-Ata. The Siberian delegation was headed by the Russian President's plenipotentiary representative in the SFO Leonid Drachevsky, said the regional information centre "Siberia" to RIA Novosti.

Besides creation of joint ventures, the two parties will be able to co-operate by delivering electrical energy from Kirghizia to Russia via Kazakhstan, together developing tin reserves in the Sarydzhazskiy deposits of the Issyk-Kul region, attracting to Kirghizia Russian airlines and directing investments for building an airport on the bank of Lake Issyk-Kul. Siberia can also participate in privatisation of resort places on the Issyk-Kul banks and in building of new holiday places as well as in developing direct contacts between the SFO mining equipment producers and Kirghizia's mining enterprises.

They also plan to intensify cultural and humanitarian as well as scientific and educational ties. For example, Bishkek will open a branch of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute.

The parties agreed to exchange information on the course of realisation of the present protocol by February 1st.

Besides, a number of protocols have been signed between Russia's Omsk and Tomsk regions and Kirghizia's Issyk-Kul, Oshsk, Chujsk and Jala-Abad regions.

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