Submarine Attached To Pontoon To Cover Fifty Nautical Miles To Kola Bay

The pontoon with the salvaged Kursk nuclear submarine has to cover 50 more nautical miles (93 kilometres) before it reaches the Kola Bay, Aide to the Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Captain 1st rank Igor Dygalo was quoted as saying on Tuesday. In his words, the Giant-4 pontoon towed by the Smit Wijs tug, is currently moving at its highest speed of 3 knots (5.5 kph) towards the Kola Bay. By 10:00 a. m., Moscow time, the pontoon had covered 35 miles (65 km) from the wreck site. Weather conditions in the zone of the Giant-4 course: wind velocity - approximately 5 mps, sea swell - 1 point. The Kursk nuclear submarine was attached to the Giant-4 pontoon on Monday.

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