Dog meat served instead of mutton in Moscow’s fancy restaurants

The police of the Russian city of Orlov detained a 50-year-old businessman, Sergey K., from Kursk. The man was caught in possession of dog meat for sale to Moscow restaurants. The policemen were shocked to find skinned bodies of 15 dogs in the boot of his car. The detained driver said imperturbably that he was delivering dressed mutton. An examination revealed that it was dog meat.

Officials of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) said that it was not the first case when a car loaded with dog meat was arrested on the way to Moscow. In March, two boxes with 15 suspicious carcasses were found in a bus from Kursk. The driver said an unknown man came up to him at the bus terminal and suggested delivering boxes of meat to the capital for some payment. The meat from the boxes turned out to be dog meat.

A court started hearing a case of cruelty to animals, but it has so far yielded no results.

“Now the red-handed businessman will surely get his comeuppance”, Yevgeny Dubrovin, an official from the Kursk region said. “It seems the deliveries of dog meat to Moscow are organized as a full production line – some people raise and slaughter dogs, others transport them to the capital. The police must track down this chain down to its end and expose all who take part in this hideous business,” he said.

According to ecologists, dog meat is openly served in almost 50 Moscow restaurants, besides those serving Korean cuisine. But in most cases dog meat is served under the guise of mutton.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov