Modern women like to take initiative in everything, including proposal for marriage

It is generally believed that this is a  men-only prerogative to make proposals of marriage. However, it is not a shame for women today to propose to men when their beloved feel too shy to pronounce proposals first.

Girls can be perfectly positive to make proposals to their beloved men if their relations with partners are good and stable and both are ready to develop them. It is quite OK for a woman to take the first step and propose to her man in case both of them perfectly understand each other, know and understand each other’s needs and are ready to support each other in sorrow and happiness. If a couple already spoke about the possibility of their marriage and none of them objected to the perspective of staying together all life long, the girl can make a proposal at her ease as she is sure her proposal will be accepted.

But there are three reasons why a woman cannot propose to her man even if he proves to be too shy and she is brave enough. It is no good for a woman to propose in case she sees marriage as a way to make herself or someone else more protected and to gain more financial stability. When a male is not ready to get married and feels somewhat scary of a perspective family life a girl’s courageous proposal will end in a failure in this case. If a man evades marriage talks it means he is not ready for marriage absolutely.

So, if a girl feels her idea of taking the first step and proposing to her man is sure to be a success she should make it a remarkable moment. Find a quite place and a good moment when none of you is in a hurry, when both are relaxed to say and to hear very important words. These can be really simple words for a girl to pronounce and for a man to perceive. “I want to stay with you all my life long, will you marry me?”

If the idea of pronouncing the words makes you nervous, send a nice card to your partner to write the proposal in it or make a video with your sincere confessions and a proposal.

Girls please do not worry if the faces of your partners reveal they are scared and panicky after hearing the proposal of marriage from you. This highly likely means they are taken by surprise as probably they have been thinking of making a proposal to you for months but still could not bring themselves to it. You just turned out to be braver than your men. Be kind to your partner to help him regain consciousness and consider the proposal.

Olga Pavlova

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov