Wild bear kills 15-year old boy in Siberia

The young men took to their heels, but the furious predator caught one boy and killed him

A wild bear attacked a group of teenagers in the republic of Yakutia, in Russia's Siberia. The bear killed one of the teenagers, while others managed to flee.

A spokesperson for EMERCOM's administration in the republic told Interfax that the four teenagers went camping in the area of the town of Neryungi. The next day, when they descended from one of the hills to their tents, they found their backpacks torn to pieces and their food eaten. All of a sudden the young men saw a huge bear coming out of the woods. The wild animal was very aggressive: it started running towards the teenagers roaring with anger. The young men took to their heels, but the furious predator caught one boy and killed him.

Other teenagers ran away from the site of the incident and called emergency services. Police officers, Federal Security Bureau agents and rescuers found the mutilated body of a young man in the woods soon. The boy, born in 1990, was a ninth-grader. The police officers found the bear that was rambling nearby and shot the wild animal dead, Newsru writes.

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Author`s name Olga Savka