Decision of the Bi-partisan committee on 9/11

Approximately 8:00 p.m., yesterday, 21 July 2004, the bi-partisan committee announced their decision on the 9/11 terrorist attack.   
The committee findings state that the cause of the 9/11 tragedy was caused by 'Institutional Failings'.

But neither Clinton nor Bush were held responsible in spite of the evidence to the contrary. 

The video tapes from Dulles airport show several of the hijackers passing through the security check points.  As they passed through the metal detectors, the alarms went off and each man was found carrying a box cutter.  Airport security let them pass through. 

Two of the highjackers, Al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were both on the terrorism watch list on Aug. 24, 2001.  But, each man was allowed to board the ill-fated flights.  

The Motley Rice law firm, who is representing the surviving American families, after viewing the tapes is quoted as saying: "Even after setting off these alarms, the airlines and security screeners failed to examine the hijackers' baggage, as required by federal regulations and industry mandated standards, or discover the weapons they would use in their attack.”.  The Motley Rice law firm is suing the airlines and security industry over their actions in the Sept. 11 attacks.  

Elaine Teague who lost her daughter on one of the flights said she was surprised at how relaxed security was, given that airlines had received three warnings from the Federal Aviation Administration. 

Michael Berglin

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova