Xi Jinping destroys old ideas to revive great Chinese nation

China has rapidly become one of the leading powers in the world. Global geopolitics is impossible without China. Pravda.Ru held an interview with Professor at the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, famous orientalist Yuri Tavrovsky. We spoke about the development of Russian-Chinese relations. 

"You have recently published a biography of Xi Jinping. Is it the first monograph about Xi Jinping in the world?"

"In Russia, it is the first book about him. The book has been translated into Chinese, but it has not been published there yet. My Chinese colleagues, who will be publishing my book, told me that it would be the first book about Xi Jinxing in the world. China has not seen a book about their leader yet. In China, there are many customs connected with the head of state. During the recent five years, for example, a new rule was created: one can write a book about a Chinese leader only after five years of his rule."

"Do they stay in power for ten years?"

"Yes, almost ten years. Xi Jinping has been in power for two and a half years. He is a very interesting man, he destroys many Chinese traditions and old ideas."

"It is possible that he can stay in power for more than ten years?"

"It is possible, yes. He is re-remaking China now. He is remaking the Chinese economy and proclaimed the Chinese dream of the great revival of the Chinese nation. He is remaking the financial system of the world, and we are engaged in the process. In fact, Xi Jinping is like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping."

"Is it true that the state of affairs in the historical center of Chinese industry is very bad?"

"It's not that bad, but not perfect there either. In 1999, China adopted a strategy of development of backward western regions. In 2003, the Chinese authorities adopted the strategy of reviving the old economic base of the northeast of the country. 

Xi Jinping promotes new ideas for China

"Before Xi Jinping, the development speed was about 7.7%, but then it decreased to 7.4% last year. Some say that the decline in the pace of development was a negative trend, but Xi Jinping said that it was a positive and natural process. 

"A year ago, he put forward a very interesting concept of a "new norm." Today, the new norm of China says that it is enough to produce cheap goods for all these foreign markets - China should develop its industry for the domestic market. One should equalize levels of economic development inside China and put an end to poverty. 

"After all, about 130 million Chinese people live below the poverty line not only in remote places, but also in developed regions. The Chinese do not want to buy US securities anymore. This is also a part of the  idea of the new norm. The Americans are very unhappy about it. Recently, US Secretary of State John Kerry has paid a visit to Beijing. The Chinese promised to slow down the process. Yet, Xi Jinping says that one needs to invest this money in real assets abroad to buy companies, mines, fields, arable land - everything and everywhere throughout the world. This is a part of his large plan." 

"The Great Silk Road?"

"No, this is a part of a larger strategy. China already has a network of expressways. The Chinese will build a railway from Moscow to Kazan, and then to Yekaterinburg, and then to Beijing. The Chinese want to redirect the flow of their export products from the sea route that remains under the threat of US sanctions, including military ones. They want to transport good on the ground. China has already built a railroad to Kazakhstan. This is very good to Russia as we can take our good to China without any problems."


Interview conducted by Said Gafurov

Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov