Reports by international monitors confirm Ukraine has blocked transit of Russian gas

The International Monitoring Commission observers in Kiev – Julius Skach (SPP a.s.), Sergey Bazaleyev (Gazprom export), Peter Zahorsky (Estrim), Alain Rossignol (Gaz de France Suez), Roberto Merlo (EU) – have signed a GMS Hourly Report (Form 1), which indicates no sign of Russian gas being pumped by the Ukrainian transit pipelines to Europe. Meanwhile, at the Sudja gas metering station (Kursk Oblast) the monitors have recorded a 70 atmospheres pressure at the entry point of the Ukrainian gas transmission system.

A similar Hourly Report (Form 1A), which also confirms that no gas is being pumped westwards, has been signed by the International Monitoring Commission observers Johann Haumer (OMV) and Oleg Antonov (Gazprom export) at the Uzhgorod gas metering station

International monitors at work at Russian gas metering stations

International monitors admitted to Russian gas metering stations back on January 12 pursuant to a list presented by the European Commission are currently engaged in monitoring activities.

Francis Guyon (Gaz de France) and Michael Husken (E.ON, Germany) are at work at the Valujki and Sudja metering stations; Gerald Linke (E.ON, Germany), Clays Meyer (E.ON, Germany), Gennady Stetsenko (RWE Transgaz, Czech Rep.) – at the Sokhranovka and Pisarevka metering stations; Christina Fenin (VNG, Germany) – at the Platovo metering station.

In the dispatch room of Gazprom’s Central Production and Dispatch Department in Moscow monitoring is being performed by Albert Grigorian (Gaz de France) and Catherine Sustek (European Commission). Ukrainian monitors have arrived only at the Sudja metering station – Alexander Verbovoy and Yury Stupan (Ukrtransgaz) and the Pisarevka metering station – Nikolai Bolkhovitin (Ukrtransgaz) and Mikhail Pozhidayev (Donbastransgaz). Ukraine’s authorized monitors for other metering stations haven’t been provided to the Russian side..

Source: Russian Foreign Ministry

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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey