Trump picks James Vance as Vice President to start war with China

Donald Trump has chosen his successor. With James Vance as Vice President, the United States will reckon with Russia because the Russian army hit Ukraine first and hard. China has yet to experience this.

The Trump-Vance duo opts for peace talks with Russia

Ohio Senator James David (JD) Vance, whom Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump picked as Vice President, said that Washington would begin peace talks with Russia and Ukraine. Trump will be ready to personally engage in dialogue with Moscow on Ukraine without intermediaries, he added.

Vance told Fox News that Trump would negotiate with Russia and Ukraine to quickly end the war so America could focus on the real problem — China. According to him, China remains the biggest threat that the United States seems to have forgotten about.

Vance was noted for his attempt to block a bill to increase aid to Ukraine this year in the Senate. The senator believes that American support for Ukraine is unjustifiably costly. He is also convinced that Ukraine's return to its 1991 borders is a fantasy.

In February 2024, Vance told Politico that the US needed to revise its support for Kyiv. He did not attend a meeting of the Ukrainian delegation with senators and reproached the Joseph Biden administration for refusing to negotiate with Russia. The West will never be able to produce enough weapons to make Ukraine's victory possible, Vance also said.

The media quoted Vance as saying in 2022:

"I gotta be honest with you, I don't really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another.”

In his opinion, the war in Gaza must end as soon as possible to enable "Israelis and Sunni Arab states” to form a united front against Iran.

He called US strikes on Iranian proxies a "weak, little bombing.”

"The most important part of the Trump doctrine of foreign policy is you don't commit America's troops unless you really have to, but when you do, you punch and you punch hard,” said Vance, a former US Marine.

"If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard,” he also said.

With Biden as President, the United States appears to be a weak fighter that just does a lot of talking. Putin hit Ukraine first and he hit it hard, and Vance respects this.

Vance will start a war with China

The senator also argued that the production of Patriot missiles for Ukraine would deprive Taiwan of such weapons in the event of a "Chinese invasion.”

Vance is one of the most anti-Chinese politicians in the United States. He will put a stake on an alliance with the Russian Federation to contain China. This is a late decision, but it will give Russia undeniable advantages in negotiations with the Chinese who are always greedily demanding discounts on Russian raw materials.

A war over Taiwan seems inevitable in the coming years.

By picking James Vance as Vice President, Donald Trump has actually chosen his successor. If Trump wins, Vance will be the most likely Republican candidate in the 2028 presidential election.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko