Finland gets 'Stubbed', stands one step away from war with Russia

The Russian Federation will respond to Finland with measures of "military-technical nature" in response to NATO's military build-up on the border.

Finland ruins relations with Russia completely

Finland is probably the country that has changed most since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine. Finland has buried its favourable economic and political partnership with Russia, bid farewell to good neighbourliness, excellent border relations, military neutrality and thus become one of the most Russophobic countries in the world. To make matters worse, the government of Finland continues generating threats to Russia.

Helsinki closed its enterprises in the Russian Federation, canceled its nuclear power plant project with Rosatom and put tourism to a standstill. Finland integrated into NATO and immediately started challenging the right of Russian merchant ships to freely pass through the Gulf of Finland into the Baltic Sea resorting to the far-fetched excuse of "environmental risks".

"We, together with our allies, are looking for ways to stop Russia's shadow fleet. Oil revenues allow Russia to wage a war of aggression in Ukraine, and an aging navy poses an environmental risk. Even a small oil spill in the sensitive nature of the Baltic Sea can destroy the entire environment," Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said on Platform X after the Baltic Sea Council ministerial meeting in Haikko.

In fact, Helsinki knows perfectly well that it is not environmental, but oil supply issues that will increase tensions with Russia. Yet, the USA wants allies to weaken Russia by all means.

Stubb as an indicator of Finland's venality

Finnish President Alexander Stubb used to be a supporter of a visa-free regime between Finland and Russia. He also supported the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline and Rosatom's nuclear power project in Finland. Nowadays, he wants to deprive Russia of its seat at the UN Security Council, confiscate Russia's frozen assets and admit Ukraine to the EU and NATO. In addition, he set forth an idea to revoke Finnish citizenship from those holding Russian passports. Russians are being deprived of their property rights extrajudicially too.

The Russian Ambassador to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov noted a year ago that the relations between Finland and Russia were practically destroyed.

"There has never been such an 'iron curtain' between our countries, not even in the 1920s and the 1930s on the eve of World War II," the ambassador told RIA Novosti.

Finland will be the first to be wiped off the map

On 1 July, the Finnish parliament allowed 15 military facilities to be opened for possible use by US and NATO troops. The US army will be able to place defence equipment, supplies, machinery and military personnel at bases in Finland. Other NATO countries may use those facilities too, although it is only the US military that will be able to access some those bases, Yele wrote.

It is worthy of note that Stubb said during the election campaign that it would be possible to deploy nuclear weapons in Finland, for example, for NATO exercises."

"The Russian Federation may take military-technical measures to counter Helsinki's policy. NATO's build-up near the borders will receive a response," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Military-technical measures imply measures to deploy military equipment, which in turn means preparations for military operations.

Today, when Finland publicly talks about blocking the Russian fleet, it means that the plan has already been coordinated, and the Finnish leadership is just waiting for the US order to start. What will happen if the Russian Armed Forces respond?

Helsinki also needs to remember the fact that it shares the 1,343-kilometre border with Russia. NATO will not be able to save Finland should nuclear weapons be deployed on the border with Russia. Finland will be the first to be wiped off the face of the earth should the H-hour hit the clock.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko