Russia to gain access to Indian military bases to challenge USA's security

Vladimir Putin angered the US with his visits to North Korea and Vietnam, but Washington will go mad after Narendra Modi's visit to Moscow.

India and Russia are preparing for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Moscow in early July for talks with President Vladimir Putin, The Hindustan Times reports.

In Moscow, Putin's aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters that active preparations for Modi's visit were underway. The date is to be announced soon, Ushakov added.

This will be Modi's first trip to Russia since 2019. The leaders of the two countries met on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand on September 16, 2022.

US Ambassador to Japan Rahmah Emanuel told The New York Times that Vladimir Putin's recent visits to the DPRK and Vietnam realized Washington's worst fears, as Moscow intends to become the "chief organizer" of the countries that Washington does not keep under control. It took Putin just four days in Asia to "anger Washington,” the newspaper said adding that Putin's visit to Pyongyang and Hanoi came as a powerful reminder of Russia's historical military ties in the region.

Modi will cross Washington's red lines

India is no exception to these ties. Washington has been fighting for New Delhi for a long time in order to confront Russia and China in the Asia-Pacific region. The USA does not impose sanctions on India for the purchase of Russian weapons, nor does it put pressure on the country for purchasing Russian oil.

Yet, Modi will cross the "red line” by coming to Moscow to shake Putin's hand.

Russia and India are expected to conclude a number of Important agreements on a bilateral basis, for example, on the supply of energy resources. The trade turnover between the Russian Federation and India increased 1.8 times and amounted to about $65 billion as of 2023, primarily due India's purchases of Russian oil.

Putin and Modi will also discuss ideas related to the issue of the joint BRICS currency. The BRICS summit in Kazan in October is expected to be a breakthrough event; Malaysia and Thailand have just submitted applications to join.

The issue of the North-South transport corridor to India through Iran and Afghanistan is also relevant.

The signing of the Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS) is to infuriate Washington most.

The Russian Armed Forces to get logistics, repairs and maintenance in India

Reportedly, the Russian Federation has approved the draft of the long-awaited RELOS agreement. The agreement will enable the armed forces of both countries to use each other's military facilities.

Based on RELOS, partner countries will be able to gain "easy access” to each other's military installations — ports and air bases, with costs and fees calculated on an ongoing basis. The agreement stipulates maintenance of warships, military aircraft and the deployment of military personnel of both countries during visits and joint exercises.

A report from the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses notes that the RELOS agreement with Russia will give India "access to Russian naval ports in the Arctic,” thereby increasing the Navy's "reach and experience in polar waters.”

Conversely, warships and aircraft of the Russian Navy will gain access to Indian ports and bases in the Indian Ocean. This is extremely important for the Russian Federation in the context of the global confrontation with the United States.

The Americans will undoubtedly be furious as they have long been talking about the decline of the Russian-Indian strategic partnership. Take that, Washington.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko