Strong Mexican woman beats feeble US protege

The United States has "lost” the Mexico elections miserably, despite all the efforts of Soros minions to bring  "democracy” back to Mexico.

The eye-opening success of Lopez Obrador's MORENA Party

Claudia Sheinbaum, the candidate from the ruling Morena (National Renewal Movement) party in a coalition with the Labor Party and the Green Environmentalist Party, has won the Mexican presidential election (held on June 2). She gained from 58.3 to 60.7 percent of votes.

Opposition candidates, USA's protege Xochitl Galvez got 30 percent, Jorge Alvarez Máynez gained ten percent. The voter turnout amounted to as much as 60 percent, the National Electoral Institute said.

Sheinbaum has received congratulations from the leaders of Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Western leaders, save for the Spanish Prime Minister, do not rush to follow their example.

At the same time, Together We Will Make History coalition won the parliamentary elections with a constitutional majority. The coalition will thus be able to implement its program changes:

MORENA also won in at least five of the nine states that held gubernatorial elections, including Mexico City.

Claudia Sheinbaum is one of the founders of the left-wing MORENA party, a graduate of the Faculty of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and an electrical physicist by training. She served as Minister of Environment in the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Prior to that, she served as Mayor of Mexico City.

Sheinbaum is a pragmatic and prudent politician that can listen to others. According to her, she will continue the policies of Lopez Obrador, who was president for two mandates, the maximum under the Constitution.

Mexico achieves impressive progress under MORENA

Before the elections, Lopez Obrador was discredited by the Soros institutions (USAID) along the lines of:

growing drug trafficking (although it is the USA and Canada that stand behind it),

crime and violence levels (although they decrease).

However, according to GALLUP, López Obrador is finishing his second term as president with 80 percent approval rating. During his presidency, Mexico has become the second economy in Latin America and the twelfth in the world. In 2024, the level of economic growth in the country is expected to be about 3 percent, inflation — about 4 percent, as per the Central Bank forecast. The country has good secondary education system, there are more than 3,000 universities — UNAM always ranks high in the rankings of world universities.

Sheinbaum will undoubtedly complete the nationalization of the American construction company Vulcan Materials. The latter is responsible for the long-term ecocide in the Mexican Caribbean. The US-based company extracts limestone at a mining enterprise harming the environment.

Mexico's pro-Russian position will preserve

As for foreign policy plans, Sheinbaum said she would stick to "constitutional principles of non-intervention, international development cooperation, self-determination of peoples and peacebuilding." Mexico will maintain a relationship of "friendship, mutual respect and equality" with the United States and will "always protect the Mexicans on the other side of the border," she said.

Western media characterize Mexico's neutrality as pro-Russian. Mexico refused to condemn the Russian Federation at the UN for its military operation in Ukraine. Mexico does not supply arms to Ukraine and stood up with a truce initiative at the UN that Ukraine rejected.

It is worthy of note that Russian military personnel took part in a parade in Mexico City last September to mark Mexico's liberation from Spanish colonialism. Mexico will expand trade with Russia as it needs Russian fertilizers and food.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko