Zelensky's give-me-more-money ship is to sink in Davos

The Ukrainian President embarked on what may be his final tour abroad. He visited the Baltic countries and went to a forum in Davos.

Volodymyr Zelensky can find support only from those who can be just as inadequate as himself. We are talking about Baltic politicians here.

While in Lithuania, the President of Ukraine said that "Putin will not end the war with his neighbours until we all put an end to him together.” This is a terrorist call as the top official of any country has international immunity.

Zelensky again raised the topic of Ukraine's NATO membership expecting "at least one concrete step” from the West on this path. Western politicians have repeatedly said that this is impossible.

In Estonia, Zelensky claimed that Ukraine was not going to make any pauses in the military conflict to Russia's benefit because he decided so. Russia would take advantage of such a break to rearm its troops.

"We understand how much they produce today, how many drones and artillery they make a day. We see what they lack. They have serious shortages of drones, artillery and missiles. They can't keep it up. Yes, you're right, the world does not have time to replenish Ukrainian warehouses either. But the world is helping Ukraine today, and Russia has a deficit. Give them a break, take a risk, give 2-3 years to Russia — then they can run over us, so we wouldn't take such a risk. Thank God all this is being solved in Ukraine. There will be no pauses made in Russia's favour for sure,” Zelensky said.

In addition to the cumbersome presentation of the topic, Zelensky stated a problem that did not actually exist. According to publications in Western media, the Russian defence complex is more powerful than ever. In other words, Zelensky told his Western counterparts that they were lying about the Russian defence industry.

Estonian President Alar Karis said at a joint press conference that Ukraine should be allowed to strike Russian territories. Karis is apparently asking for a very sharp, even a nuclear escalation of the conflict.

Throughout his tour, Zelensky spoke about "bilateral security guarantees” — obligations that Ukraine seeks to obtain from its Western partners. One is only left to wonder what guarantees the Ukrainian leader wants to receive from the Baltic states because they need them themselves.

'Give me more money,' Zelensky says

According to Ukrainian Telegram channel Legitimny, Zelensky's main task is to convince the EU to transfer frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. The West is not going to give Ukraine anything, the authors of the channel assume. Ukraine may get the frozen assets only if WWIII breaks out in the near future.

Indeed, European entrepreneurs have suffered billions and billions in losses after they were cut from the huge Russian market. Now they want compensations from their governments. This is how they may spend the frozen Russian assets.

Biden has played his role, just like Zelensky

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the United States wants Zelensky to present "a clearer war plan”, Bloomberg said. The Republicans do not know what the US strategy in Ukraine is, what the end result can be and how they can control the use of taxpayers' money.

The Republicans ask those questions rhetorically, because the defeat of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia will help them win the US presidential election. Ukraine is not their prime goal. This topic will only continue to fade until it dies.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko